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Pediatric Dental Treatments offered

by Dr Lil'Tooth


Children With Special Health Care Needs

We at Dr Tooth provide both primary and comprehensive preventive and therapeutic oral health care to individuals with special health care needs

Tooth Coloured Crowns

Tooth coloured crowns for primary teeth are dental restorations designed specifically for children, and are more aesthetically pleasing

Metal crowns

Stainless steel crowns for primary teeth are durable dental restorations primarily used in pediatric dentistry. They protect and restore badly damaged or decayed baby teeth


SDF Cavity fighting liquid

Use of an antimicrobial liquid to stop decay of tooth


Dental Trauma

Dental trauma in children refers to injuries or damage to their primary or permanent teeth, resulting from accidents, falls, or sports-related incidents, and requires prompt evaluation and treatment by a dentist


Tongue Tie / Ankyloglossia

Tongue Tie is an oral condition present at birth that restricts the tongue’s range of movement in the child


Molar Incisor Hypomineralization

Hypomineralization is a condition that affect the outer layer of your child’s teeth and the teeth lack the minerals required by teeth to remain strong and healthy


Preventive Resin Restoration

Preventive procedures that convert the depths of plaque retentive grooves on the tooth surface into self cleansing ones to keep the mouth cavity free


Oral / IV Sedation

Advanced procedure carried under expert’s supervision for the administration of laughing gas inhalation sedation and other sleep-inducing agents during


General Anaesthesia

Administered to only a few children who need to undergo either extensive or invasive treatment


Root Canal Treatment

Pulp therapies in children are dental procedures designed to address issues related to the pulp in primary teeth


Minimally Invasive Pediatric Dentistry

This includes minimal means for safe, effective, and efficient management of cavities in infants, children, adolescents, and individuals with special health care needs


Early orthodontics

Early correction of misalignments in a child’s bite or teeth can impact their oral health and overall well-being

Preventive Dentistry Fluoride

Fluoride varnish therapy applied to the tooth’s surface can prevent the tooth from decay

We’re committed to ensuring your child’s dental health from the very beginning. Our pediatric services are aimed at creating confident smiles and a positive attitude towards oral care. Schedule an appointment today to give your child the best start for a lifetime of healthy teeth and a beautiful smile.