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Minimally Invasive Pediatric Dentistry

In Pune

It is a philosophy of dental care concerned with early identification of disease, factors contributing to the disease, intervention to arrest the disease, and, if needed, restorative treatment. The goal of MID is to preserve as much healthy
tooth structure as possible focusing on prevention, remineralization, and minimal restorative interventions.

Parents, would it surprise you to learn that early interventions, including establishing contact with a pediatric dentist near you, can help steer clear of the traditional drilling and filling approach? At Dr. Tooth, we go beyond addressing mere manifestations, such as cavities, and focus on understanding and treating the underlying disease – Dental Caries. Our commitment to staying updated with the latest materials in pediatric dentistry allows us to provide your child with the advantages of cutting-edge care

In Pune

Minimal Intervention Procedures for children

Minimal intervention is a patient- and family-centered, risk-based chronic disease management strategy to facilitate and promote preventive and caries-management measures
to achieve individualized behavioral and treatment goals.

  • Interventions that encourage remineralization (e.g.,fluoride varnish).Interventions that promote caries arrest (e.g., SDF, sealants).

    Minimal intervention approaches until adefinitive restoration is possible or the primary tooth exfoliates.

    Tooth-sparing approaches (e.g., resin infiltration, sealants) that prevent or delay the initiation of the restorative cycle.

    Interventions that avoid pulp exposure in vital teeth.

    Conventional restorative care, close monitoring of caries risk, active surveillance of caries lesions, monitoring for pain or signs/symptoms of infection, and more frequent professional recare.