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Why does my child need

Preventive Restorations and Sealants?

Take a moment to use your tongue to touch the molars in the back of your mouth. Notice the crevices and pits along them? These are called “grooves,” and they’re highly susceptible to germs and bacteria that build up when food particles — especially sugars — become trapped inside of them. Although regular brushing goes a long way, even the most dedicated of brushers can struggle to clean those grooves properly.
These grooved surfaces retain plaque and attract food into non-cleanable areas, which eventually leads to stagnation and the formation of dental caries.
Dental preventive restorations and sealants when placed in these grooves act as a protective coat and avoid entrapment of plaque and bacteria within the tooth, thus reducing chances of cavities.

Preventive Restorations and Sealants?

What are

Dental Sealants?

  • A dental sealant is a thin white or clear resin liquid applied to the surface of a child’s molars with a small brush.
    The liquid sealant is bonded to the tooth and dries by using a blue LED light, leaving a hard layer of protection.
    According to the American Dental Association (ADA), that protective layer reduces your child’s risk of cavities by 80%.
    It’s non-invasive and doesn’t require the use of numbing agents or anesthesia because it isn’t painful. There is also no drilling required, which is also a huge perk!
Dental Sealants?