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Dental Implants

In Pune

We specialize in restoring smiles and confidence through the art of implant dentistry, a revolutionary solution to replace missing teeth. They are titanium posts surgically placed in your jawbone, serving as strong and durable foundations for lifelike artificial teeth.

Whether you’re missing one tooth, several teeth, or even an entire arch, implant dentistry offers versatile solutions to meet your unique needs.

They look, feel, and function just like natural teeth. They provide a permanent solution for missing teeth, allowing you to eat, speak, and smile with confidence.

In Pune

Can I have dental implants

for multiple missing teeth?

Whether you have a single tooth missing or multiple, we can safely and comfortably replace it with dental implants. We can even replace your complete denture with all teeth dental implants. It is an excellent alternative to the ill-fitted unstable denture. You can count on Dr. Tooth in Pune for your dental implant.

What is the procedure

for Dental Implants?

It is a two-step process :

In the first step, we place the Titanium-based implant in the jaw bone with the aid of surgery. This implant will serve as a root of the teeth to hold the artificial tooth in place. After the surgery, proper healing is allowed, so that fusion between the dental implant and jawbone takes place. Most dental implants are made of titanium, which will enable them to integrate with bone easily. Here at Vanilla Smiles, we use the Straumann dental implant system. It is a pioneer all over the world and mace is Manufactured and designed in Switzerland with the best technology.

In the second step, once the implant is bonded with the jaw bone, we will attach a post and the artificial tooth. Done, your dental implant is complete. Now you have an artificial tooth that looks and functions like a permanent one.

Dental Implant

Cost in Pune

The cost of dental implant treatment depends upon multiple factors such as the implant type, number of implants to be inserted, material, and make of the implant, At Dr. Tooth, Pune we use the Straumann Dental System. They are the global leader in dental implants and offer the best solution for your implant needs. The cost for a dental implant varies, It will be discussed only after having a proper examination of the area that needs to be replaced.

The Average dental Implant cost in Pune is 35000-40000 Rs only

Reasons For Choosing

Dental Implants in Pune

Tooth Loss – This problem can occur at any stage of life. It can be caused by trauma, severe gum disease, accidents, tooth decay, and even poor oral hygiene. lead to serious consequences such as

  • The gap between one or more missing teeth causes speech difficulty
  • Difficulty chewing
  • Wrinkled skin, sunken cheeks, face starting to look older due to missing teeth, and sagging muscles due to missing teeth
  • Improper bite and restricted tooth movement
  • Pain in facial muscles
  • the gap caused by missing teeth Left untreated, gaps between teeth can permanently damage the facial appearance and lead to low self-esteem and self-confidence.
  • All these problems can be easily overcome with the help of Best Dental Implant in Pune at Dr. Tooth and you can get rid of all these

Benefits of Dental Implants in Pune:

Dental implants near me in Pune are extremely powerful and they offer you several benefits.

: With dental implant surgery, you can regain your biting strength similar to that of your natural teeth. This allows patients to speak correctly, stably, and confidently. For denture wearers who fear words will slip out of their mouths, dental implants are undoubtedly a miracle. The implants look good and can be mistaken for natural teeth as they look completely natural. One of the best things about choosing dental implants is that they help you feel more secure.

Think about how you would feel in a room full of people and you’re smiling because you’re missing a tooth, pretty embarrassing right? WithDr. Tooth, you can get rid of that embarrassing feeling forever. In addition to the above benefits, dental implants also help preserve bone. They fit snugly against the jaw, eliminating any potential risk of bone loss and/or gum loss. They are provided with prostheses/bridges or crowns with the finest osseointegration that offer a dynamic tooth structure.

Dental implants in Dr. Tooth Pune are different from bridges as they never damage the adjacent teeth. Rather, it provides the best support for your teeth and bones. Dental implants do not require additional anchoring. In the case of bridges, the neighboring teeth serve as anchors for the bridged teeth.