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Root Canal Treatment

In Pune

A root canal is a treatment used to repair and save a tooth that is badly decayed or becomes infected then a root canal is important. Dr Tooth Dental Clinic offers the best root canal Treatment.

Root canal treatment, or endodontic therapy, is a dental procedure performed to address severe infection or damage within a tooth. It is typically necessary when the pulp, the innermost part of the tooth that contains nerves, blood vessels, and connective tissue, becomes inflamed or infected due to factors like deep cavities, dental trauma, or cracks in the tooth.

In Pune

What is a Root Canal?

The root canal treatment In Pune helps in repairing and serving a badly damaged or infected tooth instead of removing it. This treatment eliminates bacteria from the infected root canal of your tooth. Removing bacteria prevents the tooth from reinfection and saves your natural tooth so that you can chew and enjoy your favorite food without any pain and discomfort.

During root canal treatment (RCT), we remove the inflamed or infected pulp from your tooth, carefully clean and disinfect it, then fill and seal it.

What happens in a

Root Canal Procedure?

In a root canal procedure, the root canal specialist will anesthetize the patient in that specific region with a local anesthetic. In a few anxious patients, conscious patients may also be advised. With help of endodontic instruments, the infected pulp is removed, followed by thorough disinfection. The final step of a root canal is where the canal fillings are done followed by tooth filling in the decayed part through silver amalgam or the latest tooth-colored filling. If an abscess is there, the dentist possibly must drain it; this may take a few days, and a further appointment is probably required to finish the procedure. The root canal-treated teeth may or may not require a crown.

What is Root Canal Treatment

Cost in Pune ?

The base cost is ₹ 5,000. The charges vary depending upon:

  1. the extent of infection present in the tooth, and
  2. the required treatment.
Root CanalAverage Cost in Pune
Front (anterior) tooth5500 Rs
Bicuspid tooth6500 Rs
Molar tooth6500 Rs

The final estimate will be discussed by our team after we examine your tooth clinically and use a radiograph.

For this book an appointment with Our Root Canal Specialist in Pune or contact us

Do I need

Root Canal Treatments (RCT)?

Our teeth have a blood and nerve supply in the center, known as the pulp. When the tooth gets decayed the infection and bacteria travel to the pulp and cause inflammation. In order to remove this infection, we need an RCT.

If the pulp infection is left untreated, it can cause pain or lead to an abscess (pus discharge). The discomfort and pain can radiate to the ear and even cause severe headaches. The pain could aggravate at night while lying down or sleeping.

Hence don’t ignore any pain, sensitivity, decay, or any other symptoms (stated below). Early treatment is always easy, and inexpensive and helps in saving a lot of time and energy.

  • Severe pain while chewing your food.
  • Sensitivity to hot or cold food and drink.
  • Swollen gums
  • Tooth decays
  • Discoloration of tooth
  • Cracked or chipped tooth

Steps involved in

Root Canal Treatment (RCT)

  • In the first visit, We will examine your tooth with the help of X-rays and we will guide you through the entire treatment plan.
  • The RCT specialist removes the decay from the tooth and gets access to the center part of the tooth.
  • All the infected and inflamed areas are cleaned, sterilized, and refilled.
  • The treatment may require two sittings depending upon the level of infection.
  • Don’t worry all of this is painless dentistry since local anesthesia will be injected per RCT. For the tooth to regain its strength and function, we need filling and which may be followed by a full or a partial crown.

How to take care of

my tooth after Root Canal?

Don’t worry; our post-treatment care team is highly competent and will help you with all the necessary details. They will constantly follow up with you over call / WhatsApp to ensure quick healing after the procedure. You may need to avoid eating from that side of the mouth, but the best part is you can start eating immediately.

Can I save this expense by getting

my teeth removed (extracted)?

Extraction of a healthy tooth that can be saved is more like running away from the problem at present. In some cases where saving a tooth is not possible, we have to go for extraction. This is case-dependent and We can help you make the best choice by examining your oral condition and suggesting the pros and cons of all the options. Post extraction, the missing tooth needs to be replaced with something artificial, and nothing can replace nature at its original best. Apart from dealing with issues like inefficiency in biting and chewing, it also leads to movement of adjacent teeth into that space leading to more gaps within teeth and causing food to get stuck / lodgment which can induce cavity/caries in adjacent teeth, so now instead of one infected tooth you have two more of them. This way the problem gets complicated. Book A Call Or Walk into Dr. Tooth in Pune.