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What is Smile Designing?

As you are visiting this page, there is a high chance that you already know what smile designing is. Just to make it formal, we simply define smile design as a series of dental or facial procedures to get you the picture-perfect smile you were looking for.

What is Smile Designing?

Smile Designing in Pune

Looking for the best dental clinic in Pune for Smile design? Dr. Tooth is a primarily located clinic in Pune. with an expert dentist with 10+ years of experience.

Smile Designing in Pune

What Is Smile Designing

Cost In Pune?

In Pune, smile designing services are available with the following approximate prices:

  • Composite veneer: 3000-5000 Rs
  • Ceramic veneer: 8000-10000 Rs

Some of our Cosmetic Dentistry

Services in Pune are:

Tooth Color

We strongly believe that cosmetic issues with your teeth should not dampen your smile. Natural Looking Tooth-Colored Filling is one of the best ways to achieve harmony between filled and other teeth. You can read more about tooth-colored filling by clicking here.

Teeth Whitening in Pune

Consuming tea, coffee, wine, etc., smoking cigarettes, and chewing tobacco are a few of the reasons that can cause stains on your teeth. Teeth whitening is an effective way to get rid of these stains. With the help of an advanced whitening agent, we remove all stains and bring back the natural color of the teeth.

Aligning of Teeth

Space between your teeth, crowded or crooked teeth, misalignment between teeth, and buck teeth are a few of the orthodontic problems that need correction for your perfect smile and good oral health. Read more about our orthodontic treatment by clicking here.

Replacement of missing teeth

Missing teeth are noticed immediately when you smile. It not only impacts your smile it also impacts your oral health. We offer a wide variety of tooth replacement options ranging from dental implants, dental bridges, or partial dentures. Read more about dental implants by clicking here.

Managing Damaged Teeth

Chipped-off, Cracked, or uneven teeth need cosmetic treatment that reshapes them to the corrected shape and size. Dental Crowns and veneers are some of the options we offer to get rid of these defects.