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Tooth Coloured Filling

In Pune

Dentistry is not only about managing the functional aspect of teeth. It is also about aesthetics and appearance. Keeping this in mind, Dr Tooth offers tooth-colored filling for all the minor and moderate filling requirements. These fillings blend nicely with the rest of the teeth and are not visible.

In Pune

These composite tooth color fillings take a little longer than metal fillings. After preparing the cavity, we keep it free from any saliva and start applying it. The material is soft like a paste at the time of application. Once applied, it is hardened with a special light so that it bonds completely with the tooth. Once the curing is done, the filling can be shaped and polished to blend with the rest of the tooth. In most cases, this is a one-sitting procedure, and after the curing, you are ready to chew and eat with that tooth. You may feel sensitive for a few days, but soon it will disappear.

Usually, these fillings are very durable and last long. It is essential to practice good oral hygiene and visit your dentist at Dr Tooth Dental Clinic regularly to maintain its life. Some tooth-colored fillings may be more expensive than metal ones, but most patients find it worth the money as the aesthetic benefits are huge. There is no need to live with damaged teeth; get them filled with tooth-colored material. Book an appointment or Walk into Dr. Tooth at Pune.

The cost of tooth-colored fillings in Pune typically ranges from 1500 to 3000 Rs.