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Tooth Extraction

In Pune

Wisdom Tooth Extraction Near Me in Pune is the removal of one or more wisdom teeth located at the back of an adult mouth. There are multiple reasons for which we suggest the extraction, and the most common of them are impacted wisdom tooth, which causes infection and pain.

In Pune

What is a Wisdom Tooth?

The wisdom tooth is not always meant to be extracted, and we don’t even suggest it until it causes problems. Yes, they are named as wisdom, and ideally, they should reduce the problem not to cause them. But in the case when they erupt impacted, they may cause problems to the adjacent teeth. We have seen them growing towards the other molar teeth, poking them unnecessarily. Sometimes they grow towards the backside or at a right angle to the jaw.

Why is wisdom tooth

extraction required?

Wisdom takes time to come; the same is true with a wisdom tooth. They are one of the last teeth that grow in our mouths. It mostly develops between the age of 17 and 25, but this is not always true. In some people, it never comes out, or it comes out very late in some people. For the sake of definition, wisdom teeth are the last permanent teeth that appear at the jaw’s extreme back. They are also known as the third molar and usually four in numbers.

Problems which

wisdom teeth can cause

It can cause moderate to severe toothache, infection, gum disease, and tooth decay as food debris accumulates there. If any of these issues hold true, we suggest extraction. We may also suggest extraction if the tooth is asymptomatic (not causing any issue now), as in the future, it can create an issue, and it will be comparatively hard to do surgeries with age.

Cost of Wisdom Tooth

Extraction In Pune:

In Pune, the cost of wisdom tooth extraction generally falls between 3000 – 10000 Rs

Dr. Tooth is the best dental clinic

for Wisdom Tooth Extraction in Pune.

When choosing a dental clinic to extract wisdom teeth, you should consider the dentist’s expertise, after-procedure support, and facilities available at the clinic. Dr. Tooth Pune is the ideal choice for your Wisdom Tooth Extraction in Pune as we offer the best facility for your convenience during and after the procedure. We have a highly qualified dentist for dental procedures. They successfully did hundreds of dental procedures, including full mouth rehabilitation at Dr. Tooth, Pune. Our post-treatment support is excellent; a team of qualified dentists and medical staff will remain in touch with you until the extraction site gets healed properly and ensure the best experience for you. The clinic is well known for painless dentistry. We use all modern treatment modalities to ensure painless and smooth extraction of your wisdom teeth.